Fear > Tension > Pain Cycle
Fear towards birth has been something that has been ingrained in us from when we are young.
‘‘I am so excited to meet my baby, but gosh I am not looking forward to giving birth!’’
‘‘Give me ALL of the drugs, I don’t want to feel a thing!’’
’’I really hope nothing goes wrong, I have heard so many horror stories’’
Having fear around birth unfortunately leads to poorer birth outcomes. This is where the fear>tension>pain cycle begins.
Types of Birth Care in Adelaide
A detailed overview of the different types of birth care offered in Adelaide, South Australia.
Questions to ask your Obstetrician
It’s always a good idea to go with questions ready to ask your Obstetrician on first meeting. Birth is a very intimate, vulnerable time and you want to make sure the people in your birth space hold the same philosophies around birth as you!
Small Pelvis, Big Baby
Been told you have a big baby? Make sure you read this first to help alleviate some potential fears!