A lovingly made 15 page PDF to give you some gentle information into the journey of breastfeeding. If you are wanting a easy to follow guide at your fingertips to give you a good basic overview of breastfeeding as well as lots of local (Adelaide) resources - this is for you.
I can also send you a pre-made breastfeeding plan for you to give to your care provider, please email me at marley@motheringthemama.com.au to receive your free copy.
A lovingly made 15 page PDF to give you some gentle information into the journey of breastfeeding. If you are wanting a easy to follow guide at your fingertips to give you a good basic overview of breastfeeding as well as lots of local (Adelaide) resources - this is for you.
I can also send you a pre-made breastfeeding plan for you to give to your care provider, please email me at marley@motheringthemama.com.au to receive your free copy.